In the present day, stress-laden world all of us vie for perfect health. So, how does one define a healthy individual? My answer to that would be someone who has attained optimum mind-body balance. In other words, someone whose physical and mental capabilities are performing at their best.
So, what does to take to be robust and healthy? Adopting a healthy lifestyle is the key to good health.
Intimidated? Don’t be. Here are a few simple and easy steps that one needs to follow.
- Having a fixed routine – Wake up and sleep at a fixed time every day. This allows your body to digest and assimilate maximum amount of nutrition from the food that you ingest. In addition, waking up early gives you a head start and allows you to have a more productive day. Thus, you go to sleep content and happy for a day that is well-spent and fruitful
- Being physically active – This is imperative for a healthy lifestyle. Try Pilates, Yoga, Aerobics, or Zumba. Or, just go for a plain old jog or a brisk walk in the park. The fresh air of the outdoors will certainly lift your spirits. If none of the above excites you, then learn a new sport. Badminton, cricket, basketball…the list is endless.
- Paying attention to your feelings – This encompasses your mental well-being. A stress-free and relaxed mind ensures that the physical body is also healthy and disease-free. You need to have some me-time every day in a creative pursuit that helps to get rid of stress and tension. It could be music, painting, sewing, gardening, or pottery. Spending time outdoors and meditation are other forms of destressing and relaxation.
- Having a positive outlook – Social interaction is an essential element in our quest for good health. We need to interact with others for our own well-being and health. However, we need to stay away from gossip mongers, negative, and vicious people and interact with those who are positive and inclusive. A positive attitude is a powerful attribute that will take us far in life. Developing a sense of gratitude is also another significant quality that we need to build in for evolving into a better version of ourselves.
- Consuming nourishing and wholesome food – Food is another vital component of a healthy lifestyle. We should consume food that is freshly-made, local, and free of harmful chemicals and preservatives.
Follow these steps diligently for a healthier and happier you. Wishing you the very best in this journey.